The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> it is most understandable...

it is most understandable...
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Monday, December 1 2014, 17:32:56 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title:

...that Blacks were eager to believe, or pretend to believe, that racism was over, a thing of the past, after all, the Civil Rights Bill and after Martin Luther King and then there's that Black president and Black doctors and lawyers like there never were before taking racism out of the discussion for decades now it has allowed whites to react with shock, SHOCK, when Blacks are forced to admit that racism is alive and well in the US.

Like with Fascism, we now have a newer improved version of which was only possible BECAUSE there was some easing in discrimination, because of some affirmative action and all those Black professionals whites can point the newer better Racism you must not lynch EVERY must not deny higher education to EVERY have to allow a few in because that will make it all the easier to continue to subject the masses of Blacks to a racism they too can sometimes "forget"....that's the modern version and Blacks played into it.


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