The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> just received this from another nationalist

just received this from another nationalist
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Thursday, December 17 2009, 22:21:33 (CET)
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myASSYRIANpride wrote "show how informed you are...the assyrian name just came to be 100 years ago?? your ignorant and arrogant to believe soo...your obviously referring to mr wigram...have you read anything from mr wigram?? basically he went from a achaldean town to an assyrian town...they told him they werent chaldenay BUT ATURAYA AND ASSHURAYA...we didnt speak english 200 hundred years ago in iraqso we didnt call ourselves assyrian...but the literal derivation and translation of the 2 words aturaya and asshuraya stem from the word assyrian...wich stem FROM were we to call ourselves a word in english we didnt know?!?! but we have been calling ourselves aturaya for over 1,600 years now you idiot!! get your facts str8 ..we cant call ourselves our name IN A LANGUAGE WE DIDNT UNDERSTAND `YOU the fuck are you assyrian and a muslim??? simple your not your a kurd!!".


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