The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> meanwhile, over at Maggie's....

meanwhile, over at Maggie's....
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Friday, December 5 2014, 16:29:12 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title:

...their forum system clears the board every two weeks....but before it does that and for some inexplicable reason, it tags the old posts as "NEW", complete with bright red letters....this lasts a few days and then the red letters disappear and the recently and briefly NEW posts are back to their dull old ways...

But just for a moment you have a comment on what is undeniably true, though unintentionally...and that is that the same old stuff is regularly fobbed off as something NEW...when it isn't. Only the bright red letters come and go...but the style and the substance has been the same for over a hundred years...."YOU owe us Nineveh"!


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