The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> okay...a REAL suicide bomber

okay...a REAL suicide bomber
Posted by atheist (Guest) - Thursday, December 31 2009, 3:01:19 (CET)
from - Network - Mac OS X - Safari
Website title:

At Least Six Americans Killed in Afghan Attack

KABUL, Afghanistan — At least six Americans were killed Wednesday when a suicide bomber wearing an explosive vest made his way into an American base in southeastern Afghanistan, according to NATO officials.

The bomber managed to elude security and reach an area near the base’s gym, said one official, who did not want to be identified because the official was not authorized to speak about the attack. It was not clear whether the bomber entered the gym.

...the way to tell...

1. The target is an American or Western Christian ally.

2. The area targeted is ordinarily very difficult if not impossible to get into...and if you can enter it you would HAVE to hide a bomb on your person.

It's odd enough that this fellow got that close to Americans, on their base. It would have been impossible for him to also have smuggled any kind of a bomb.

How to know when it's NOT a suicide bomber...

1. When the target is another Muslim OR any Eastern Christian.

2. When the bomb goes off anywhere BUT an American base.


The full topic:

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