on second thought... |
Posted by
assyrian atheist
- Monday, October 12 2009, 16:50:22 (CEST) from - 66-169-232-144.dhcp.mdfd.or.charter.com Commercial - Windows Codename Longhorn - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...those of us exasperated by Obama's continuing and expanding wars would understandably feel frustration and disbelief at his being awarded the peace prize...and accepting it. But someone pointed out to me that the award didn't only cover the time he's been president but also the two and a half years he was campaigning. During that time it's true that Obama brought a ray of hope to a depresed world...people in Europe, Africa and the Mid East felt this man was different, this man cared to negotiate, to use diplomacy, to talk to so-called enemies...he even admitted that America made mistakes. This really was something new and pleasant and positive....although he hasn't achieved peace yet...people truly believe he wants to...it says something about how cynical and hopeless we all felt for the last several years that even the faint hope of a change made such an impact...and it did. For this, and also for the amount of energy he displayed campaigning tirelessly for over two years, plus the onbious personal risks both he and his family endured and yet face...I can see now some merit in the committee's choice. There are undoubtedly other people who've done more on a smaller scale in this same time-period, but no one else of equal stature and achievement on the larger stage. Who else could they pick in this war-waging world...the pope? --------------------- |
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