The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> perfect example for u

perfect example for u
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Saturday, October 17 2009, 8:15:29 (CEST)
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Here is another internet hero who has been running his mouth but has not accepted my challenge to come on here and debate me. Here is what all he has written:

Mr Aturaya wrote

"so u claim to be a Assyrian Muslim? "

My respond

"yes sir"

his response

"how do you say 'Liar' in Assyrian then? "

my response

"we say "dooglana" or "dagala" for liar and "doogle" for a lie"

his response

"Lol, where did you get that from? a Assyrian/Arabic dictionary? or did you just look on the internet?
I am sorry mate but I just find it hard to believe there is a Assyrian Muslim person, Iv never met or have seen or have heard of any Any Assyrian who is Muslim, Iv asked a lot of family members and friends but all I had was 'No', My father who is Assyrian can speak very fluent Kurdish, but you dont see him going around and calling himself a Kurdish Christian :)"

before I continue with what I responded, notice how his facts come from his mom and family? His mom must have taken a survey and knows 100% there are no Assyrians who are Muslim.

my response

"sorry shocking u but now u hsve met one. i know only 4 assyrians who are muslims but i am sure there are more. u must not speak surith then if u dong know how to say liar. dooglana is for male snd dooglanta is for female. i am not kurdish. my parents are both church of the east"

his response

"wow dude take it easy! all i was trying to say is that i have never HEARD or SEEN any Assyrian who is a Muslim! and that I have asked my parents if they had seen or heard of any Assyrian who is a Muslim, and their replie was a no, i am sorry mate but i know your a 100% liar. You see the thing with lies is that when they have been said you tend to feel a bit wierd or you get a feeling that the person is lying (if that makes any sense). I dont get it? your religion teaches you not to lie and say false things, yet you do the complete oppisite?

ps I know your a Kurd ;)"

my response

"i dont care what ur parents say just i careless what my parents think of islam. i only care for truth. u have never studied history excrpt what ur priest taught u. most mesopotamians embraced islam and that includes assyrians 2. i will debate u anytime if u accept. i guess ur mom took a survey and knows every assyrian. its natural for them 2 deny it. "

his response

"dont know history? oh i guess you know everything about me now do you? you know what subjects i take at school? you know how many ralatives of mine died in the hands of your people? (Kurds)"

As we can see, because I am not a fucking xtian, I am not Assyrian. I was even kind to this cock sucker even though I knew where he would go when he first asked how to say liar. I could have gotten technical and taught him that neither he or I speak Assyrian but rather a form of Aramaic or as we say "surith". I was kind, I replied and now he is trying to act cute on me while he has assumed about me without knowledge and I must be Kurd trying to cause corruption in his "nation". If these are really descendants of ancient Assyrians and know one else, it would be a shame for the ancients to have such low class trash as their remains.

They still havent explained what the qualifications for being Assyrian is or at least the ones I challenge but others among them will straight out tell you that all Assyrians are xtians and those who converted to Islam did so by force and to avoid jizya. And where do they get this kind of "history" from? A, from family. B, from their priests and, C, from their Fred Aprim's. But they will swear that they have studied history. Anyone who has studied history and has basic knowledge about the Islamic system would know that jizya could never have been a reason to convert because Muslims in average pay more in Zakat than non-Muslims would pay jizya. Furthermore, when it comes to zakat, men, women and even religious scholars or imams are all obligated to pay it. Only the poor, children, etc are exempt from zakat payment. I ask again, why would a family convert to avoid jizya and now have to pay zakat which is even more and even women are obliged to pay it?

Or, why would a person be willing to give up "salvation" through christ simply for jizya, yet be willing to "die by sword" for not converting? Speaking of "liars" who are the liars here? Am I lying thjat I am of their community and took Islam as my way or are they the liars and propagandists? Why is it that I, the "liar" am willing to debate them, while they run? I have said this before and I repeat again, I am willing to debate their greatest champions and heroes about this particular subject but they refuse and are wise because their opinions will get smashed by the facts I bring from reliable historians, all of trhem non-Muslim and most of them xtians too. They don't to be seen with their pants down as Jumblat does on here. They might get humiliated in front of an audience and it is wise not to come on here whille posting on their silly forums where they or their best friends are the moderators. They can't send Pancho an email and say "hey akhoni ban this guy because he is trouble to our nation". They can call us names on here, insult us, and bring their proofs without fear, but can we bring our proofs on their forums and post them without ban? We don't need to be given the right to call names or insult but simply challenge and refute their claims but they won't and I doubt the above coward is any different.


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