The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> respecting gays

respecting gays
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Friday, December 18 2009, 22:22:10 (CET)
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people in general look down on gays in society and those who call themselves "manly" think of them as weak, stupit etc. Our nationalists call me fagget, gay, queer etc because in their mind only someone weak(gay) could do what i did. but i respect and admire gays because they are courageous and have the guts to challenge their opponents and call them out. our nationalists make challenges from their bedrooms and expect ppl to take them serious. they are too afraid go challenge or debate but will say "anytime pal" knowing the opponent will never be aware of it nor knows these clowns even exist. sounds familiar? of course it does because our "manly" hero jumbalay always issues "challenges" from far away and then vanishes. as it turns out, gays sre more manly and braver than our own nationalists who think highly of themselves.


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