see what I mean? |
Posted by
- Friday, July 4 2008, 3:52:12 (CEST) from *** - *** Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
"Plus which they forgot their own Assyrian/Aramaic language, like our mothers always warn us NOT to because, like the ancient Assyrians…”if you do, you’ll FORGET your identity”!" Nice twist, Asshole ...see? Rather than address the issue raised in that one sentence...rather than showing I'm wrong by reminding us of how often our parents told us not to worry, that we could forget our mother-tongue it wouldn't change us how many times they repeated over and over.."Go, forget your mother-tongue, learn English, learn German...learn usefull languages and forget your mother-tongue because it makes no difference to being ASSYRIAN...instead of pointing all that out to us and really making a fool of me and showing us all how wrong I am about what our parents told merely call me a school-yard coward who can't fight but who hides behind his mother's skirts, calling names. ...SHOW us how I "twisted"....SHOW us what I twisted...and then; UNTWIST it for people can clearly see how twisted I am in what I said. ...I'm trying to be helpful but I can't do it FOR you. You've got to help me out here. --------------------- |
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