The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> silly Tebow...

silly Tebow...
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Sunday, January 15 2012, 0:49:35 (UTC)
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...the guy makes a big deal out of the few things he does right...another one who drops to one knee and thanks Jesus...but what about when he fumbles...or his throws are off...or his team loses? Where was Jesus then? Was he blessing the opponent? Why? Had Tebow sinned the night before? Was the opposing quarterback more holy, more in favor with Jesus? Tebow, like all athletes, makes far more mistakes than brilliant moves...where is Jesus in all this?

The incredible arrogance of think the creator of the universe gives a shit whether you throw a ball well...these aren't humble, they are full of pride and want everyone to know it...given the Broncos' record I'd say Jesus doesn't much care for Tebow.


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