the thing is.... |
Posted by
assyrian atheist
- Wednesday, October 21 2009, 21:46:40 (CEST) from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla Website: Website title: |
...we on the Left are making the same mistake those on the Right did...they wanted EVERYTHING they wanted, all their pet desires fulfilled...strike down abortion rights, get prayer in school, outlaw Gay marriage, roll the clock back on women's rights, civil rights etc. And they got mightily pissed too when their favorite politicians couldn't deliver. Even controlling both houses of Congress, the Presidency and the Courts, they didn't manage, in 30 years, to get what they wanted...not the things that meant the most to them...and now, neither can we. Democracy isn't a one politician can simply write down the laws he wants and get rid of the ones he doesn't like...and in the long run maybe it's best that way. So, Obama can't give us everything we want...he might not even be able to give us what we consider the most important things...but what's the alternative? The Nobel committee recognized this is a man who WANTS to do no doubt George Bush wanted to do more. We have to recognize the limitations of life in this world...Obama can't make it all happen, and he may not even WANT to make it all happen...and whatever promise of hop he brought may just turn out to be window dressing, something we created and pasted onto him because we were so damn desperate...maybe like neo-cons thought George Bush was their Savior...but maybe not. Maybe Obama will try to do all he can, given that this is a democracy, sort of, with a lot of stupid people taking up space. That's all they were rewarding him for...our own hope that he MAY do most of what we, and most of the world, wants. Here's hoping. --------------------- |
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