The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> the wrong conversation....again

the wrong conversation....again
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Wednesday, November 26 2014, 15:18:34 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
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Blacks have been put over a barrel...wanting to be accepted as equals, they've bought into principles and patriotism that only works for be "free" and "equal" they've accepted the rules made by whites for whites...

The discussion should not eb about evidence in the Mike Brown least not the evidence in this particular crime...Blacks will lose that's like a Jew arguing, in 1940, that he could marry whom he loved.....not after the laws had been changed and intermarriage made illegal....the law had been put to work in favor of the Nazi was too late by then.

American criminal practice, if not the law exactly, has been stacked against Blacks for a long time and there is plenty of hard evidence to that fact.

Whites can continue killing Blacks because whites believe THEIR fear of Blacks is enough of a reason, and the law backs them up.

This will keep happening, and happening more often, until Blacks refuse to be bought-out by vapid claims of equality....they are NOT equal before the law....all whites need is a "probable cause" or belief, that they are in danger, and white society constantly reinforces this Darren Wilson said, he thought Mike Brown was a deomon...that he was HUGE, even though both were 6 foot four....doesn't's the SKIN COLOR, stupid.


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