The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> there you go again....

there you go again....
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Friday, September 25 2009, 19:20:30 (CEST)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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rico suave wrote:
>Genocide denial is so passe... find a new hobby. have an aversion to facts, or evidence, or proof. You simply get stuck on one note and repeat it over and over. You have to call things by their proper name...what happened to Christians in Turkey was not wasn't a holocaust either. We have dictionaries for a reason...we have seperate words for a can't just pick and choose as pleases you...that would be a good definition of propaganda.

Christians died...but so did Muslims...and from the same reason; starvation and's that simple. If you want to make the case that the Ottomans deliberately executed all those Christians then you have to bring some credible evidence....and there is none. Undoubtedly there was mob vengeance..and why not? Once again a coalition of Christian nations, the most powerful nations on earth, had decided they wanted Turkish oilfields...and so they attacked a country that had attacked none of them...sound familiar?

Under those circumstances there were bound to be Turks who resented Christians, any Christians...just as Americans resented ANY Muslims after 9/ didn't matter where they came from or even if they were guilty of anything more than just being Muslim and "Arab".

See...we know you Christians. We know you murdered six million Jews and now many of you have made a profession, not a hobby, out of denying any such thing happened or, even more embarrassing, that the Jews got it because they were "attacking" Christians. I mean really!

So it is that we spend hours writing here, and reading, to refute the same kinds of lies and prejudice and hate you wish to spread against just finished with Jews barely 70 years ago...and now it's on to Islam and is the Christians who persecuted Jews for centuries yet they claim that THEY were being attacked by is Christians who actually murdered Jews en masse, a real genocide and Holocaust...and yet it is Christians who claim, in all seriousness that THEY suffered Holocausts and Genocides and even Diasporas.

We know you well...we know your tricks...we've heard it before and we know where it leads...only this time you won't build concentration camps...instead you'll turn entire countries into camps.

The absolute least we can do is speak out...marshal facts and show each other what you are up to.

And we appreciate your help.


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