In Reply to: Re: Unintended Consequences posted by David Chibo on September 14, 2001 at 10:46:46:
For whatever reason you were locked up in solitary confinement in Australia, I'm sure you were glad they paroled you in time to contribute some sanity.
Bush...if EVER there was a wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong seeking the kinds of powers Johnson lied in order to get after the "attack" in the Gulf of Tonkin which had so many many awful ramifications for the all of us. Whether he already knows he wont get them, or doesn't really want them and wouldn't know what to do with them, without his Pappy's advice...he knows enough to use this incident for political gain. Bush can now be "Shtrong" on terrorism like they used be strong on Communism. His party can spring back from the debacle they were headed for...and the long range consequences will harm us all.
After a war in Iraq and 12 years of murderous sanctions the Iraqi people are still with are a whole new generation of grimly determined terrorists, or heroes, depending on where you live, and let's face is most definitely in the eye of the beholder. If the pilot who shoots at unarmed Assyrians in Iraq is a hero in the can imagine what these desperate acts signify to so many people round the world, even as they mourn and grieve for the loss of life in America, they've been expected to take without protest.
War is one thing. People caught as the Iraqis were with a dictator designed in Washington, they still could accept defeat in war. What has been unprecedented and so dehumanizing has been the 12 years of shooting ducks in a barrel that has left them impotent, acceptable targets for whatever gets thrown their way. The last time a defeated foe was treated this way was Germany after World War One...and in just one short generation they came from defeat and reparations and depression to launch a more murderous war with Hitler to lead them this time.
The Iraqi people have been systematically driven to madness and despair, yet the slightest sign of joy at America's suffering has been absent from the people...Ashur bless them indeed, for their humanity has been developing through the ages.
You only have to study what the Protestant English did to the Catholics of Ireland...both of them Christians, to see how little religion has to do with the brutality the "faithful" indulge in. Islam is being given a bad rap, and it may be that only in America will it be able to redeem itself. Weird.