Posted by panch from ( on Sunday, April 13, 2003 at 2:47PM :
In Reply to: The hyenas move in. posted by Sam.D. from ( on Sunday, April 13, 2003 at 8:15AM :
That´s what Chalabi is for...that´s what all of Uncle Shmoel´s thugs are for. He will agree to borrow money to rebuild Iraq...the same one destroyed by them...they´ll all know he´s gonna skim a percentage off the top so he can retire to Gstaad. The Iraqi people, the people of BetNahrain will be left with an unending debt.
Just remember...Iraq and Iran were filthy rich only a generation ago...they still have the oil...people still want to buy will just go through America´s middlemen now.
But maybe the Christian archbeacon of Iraq can build a residence where he can diddle all will not have been for naught.
-- panch
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