Ahh...I see you failed

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Posted by Dissappointed Teacher from ( on Tuesday, June 03, 2003 at 2:49AM :

In Reply to: What I tell you now ... posted by Andreas from dtm2-t9-2.mcbone.net ( on Tuesday, June 03, 2003 at 2:13AM :

Apparently I was right, you are an Asshole, and your idiotic response proves it. I suppose you had a short moment of thought where you actually considered entering that "new chapter" you were talking about, but now you forget and resume The Asshole style. And hey, don't take this the wrong way Kraut, I am just toughening you up, remember, touchiness and irritability should not be confused with sensitivity and sensibleness, as someone once told me. So let the insults be a way for you to "better" yourself, if that is ever possible for a lowly Kraut to accomplish. So go FUCK yourself in your Germany you FUCKING KRAUT with no sense and sensibility and no regard for the situation in Iraq. You waste your time here typing away while children are starving and dying from contaminated water without enough chlorine and mock them as well. And unlike when you said I am not the cause of their suffering, well...You ARE the cause of their suffering, you filthy Kraut, no wonder you filthy Krauts never won a war, but only managed to bomb countries and attempted to take over countries you now claim to "care for." You are directly responsible for the children dying in Iraq, and you know it you filthy Kraut. While they die, you sit here and laugh and carry on in your job and try to take leisurely vacations to the US, and they know better than to let you in. So FUCK off Kraut! And no, I am Not kidding. Oh, and I am just doing this to "strengthen" you because I want to help you.

-- Dissappointed Teacher
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