Posted by panch from ( on Saturday, June 01, 2002 at 2:15PM :
Wait a bit and youīll see how Simeles are made. Right now we have a passle of fools actually convinced the United States government, which regularly abuses its own citizens and steps on the rights of countless people within its own going to "do something" for them in Iraq....that the plans this country has for that region include...indeed MUST include...plans to set up a little Babylon, Chaldea and Assyria...that this would be in its own interets because we too are Christians and could serve the United States interests as true Democracies, just like itself...which wants nothing but sugar and spice and everything nice everywhere in the world.
They are marching down the same foolish path to Simele. Simele isnīt only a village somewhere in time and space. Simele is a state of mind born of a collectively wounded ego of massive ego of an entire people so damaged and hurt, first by their loss of face and status and then compounded by the ridiculous teachings of a Jewish sect which has sought to convince us for 2000 years that the accumulated spittle of anyone who cared to part with any, was really Holy indication and a promise of favors to come to us in another world and existence where the meek and miserable would we had absolutely no proof of...none worth turning over our own childrenīs throats to a butcher for.
This lack of collective pride...this making of our shame...into our "joy" is what has brought us so low that we would cozy up to the people raping our motherland now...for favors from them, the rapists, once they are through with her.
-- panch
-- signature .
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