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Posted by Lilly from ? ( on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 11:15AM :

In Reply to: Re: Bush is Rewarding Terrorism posted by Jeff from LTU-207-73-64-49.LTU.EDU ( on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 9:01AM :

: Israel, for their Nazi-like tactics against the palestinians, illegal settlements, etc.

xxx Like when the Israeli government shuts off all water & utilities to the occupied territories? That was happening before the 2nd Intifada, & Palestinians living in the occupied territories were resorting to collecting rain water in buckets for long periods of time, otherwise they'd have NO water in their homes. I suppose living w/o utilities was not so bad.

: and.. the Palestinians, for their desperate attempt to fight the Israelis by using suicide bombers, etc.

xxx Again, the silent majority of Palestinians do not support suicide bombing.

: If the land is uninhabitable for some years they won't have any reason to fight over it any longer...will they?

xxx Land is NOT the only issue. Basic human rights to food, water, basic medicine, & shelter for the Palestinians living under occupation are the main issues. & if they have no land where can the Palestinians go? Nobody wants them, esp. as refugees. Israel is & has been increasing its numbers by recruiting more & more immigrants (primarily from eastern Europe) - & these immigrants are then given citizenship, based on religious affiliation, & then given numerous incentives to "settle" areas under occupation. For the Israelis, the battle is merely for land, but for the Palestinians, the battle is over life - esp. the quality of a life where one must struggle for basic human necessities.

-- Lilly
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